Herald Brass

Herald Brass

Monday, November 28, 2016


The Very Beginning

Ed and I were picked up at 1:30 pm on Friday afternoon, November 25th. Some of the others had been traveling for a little while already. 
We had to travel very close together because a third of the van was packed with luggage. We were squished but still had fun any way.
Three hours later we were in New York waiting for the first leg of the trip.

In JFK airport and going through the check in was slightly nerve racking but soon we were sitting waiting for our plane to take off.

Nine and a half. hours later we landed in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil for a six hour layover. Then off to Montevideo!! A lot of us did not sleep well on that long flight so most of us was on the grouchy side by this time.

First Impressions

We arrive safe and sound at approximately 5:20 pm Saturday afternoon. Looking around the first thing we see is it's raining cats and dogs outside, very unusual for Montevideo!!   Our hosts arrive and off we go.

My first impression is that Montevideo is not really that much difference between this city and every big city in the US. As we stay we figure out there are differences.

Teressa, Dean's daughter, noticed the cars are different here. 
Don, Herald Brass's drummer, stated that it is very beautiful but there is a lot more gates and security here.
Sandy, Dale's wife, said it was what she expected. She saw pictures from Dale's trip here three years ago.

Well, we'll be back in touch. Within 24 hours of arriving, we've performed 3 concerts and we're tired. Stay tuned...

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